Saturday, May 13, 2006


Halfway There

Part of the May 2006 Bpeace Rwanda Mission Team in London waiting for our connecting flight to Kenya and then on to Kigali, Rwanda. From left: Marla, Cari, Manny. Rear: Anne and Sabra. Not pictured yet: Julia, Loretta and Selma.
Anne, where the heck did you get that hat? You guys look great and none the worse for wear. Have a great time!

Anne and Cari,

Typing this from cold and rainy Vermont . . .only one reason I wish I was with you . . .Cari, I love the Rwandan accessories!!!!

To all: Gotta love the big business headlines on the TV screen behind you. Go Rwanda!

xoxox Kate
I guess I don't have to say anything about the hat! It's great to see all of you together and on your way. Do good work! Love to all, Golde.
Forgot to wish you all a Happy Mothers' Day - may all your dreams come true. Golde.
Did I hear "Rwandan accessories?" I love accessories -- go and find me some fabulous things to bring to my retailers! Cannot wait to read the blog on a daily basis -- the photos and commentary are just priceless.
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