Sunday, May 21, 2006


Sunday May 21 Opportunity Through Beauty

Brigitte with her client and staff at Black Salon.

Harriet with her clients and staff at New Generation Hair Salon.

Anne, Marla and Richard visited Brigitte Mukashema who runs a braiding business called Black Salon. Brigitte showed us her new ledger book and tracking system based on what she learned from Sabra and Selma at Bpeace training. Bridgette services her customers at her place of business and at their homes. Marla and Anne saw multiple opportunities for Brigitte to develop her business and increase her income. Anne gave Brigitte some business advice on how to build incremental sales by offering complimentary accessories, i.e. jewelry, hair ornaments, and fabric.

Then, the three moved down the block to New Generation Hair Salon owned by Harriet Uwera. Harriet owns a building with a five storefront rooms devoted to a salon for men, women and children. On Saturdays, Harriet turns away 10 customers on average; she wants to expand her business to increase her capacity.

Both Brigitte and Harriet provide young orphan girls, who are studying at a beauty school, the opportunity to apprentice and gain the practical skills necessary to get a job. They both want business management training as well as help in learning the latest fashion trends.

It's a small world after all! Women and beauty, women and business, women and peace. You've got to love this. Keep up the great work team. Love to all, Golde.
Wow! I had a little catching up to do and finally read through the blog entries. You're humming! The Bpeace machine is operating on all cylinders and it's clear that the new associates are thirsty for your smarts, savvy and experience. Love to the team!
Ellen Lubin-Sherman
Wish I were with you at the Black Salon. sounds like you're doing a great job and I look fwd to details when you return. Love, Ingrid
I continue to be stunned by the courage of these Rwandan women, their business innovation, and of our Bpeace team and the bridges you are building. Thank you for carrying the Bpeace flag so effectively.

How wonderful that they are providing training for the orphan girls. I get the feeling that the community connection is very strong among these women. Clearly they are committed to building a peaceful and harmonious future for themselves and the children.

I am inspired and deeply touched by all the work you are all doing over there. Thank you for carrying the Bpeace message and love and expertise to Rwanda.
I agree with the comment above that talks about the remarkable sense of community there. And you have become a part of it. This sounds like a life-changing trip....

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Then, the three moved down the block to New Generation Hair Salon owned by Harriet Uwera. Harriet owns a building with a five storefront rooms devoted to a salon for men, women and children. On Saturdays, Harriet turns away 10 customers on average; she wants to expand her business to increase her capacity.
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